The Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) has an opening for a graduate-level, policy summer internship based in Washington, D.C. Since 1985, CCAP has been a recognized world leader in climate and air quality policy and is working exclusively on those issues at the local, national and international levels. CCAP helps policymakers around the world to develop, promote and implement innovative, market-based solutions to major climate, air quality and energy problems that balance both environmental and economic interests.
The consultant will support CCAP’s international waste and climate change work. S/he will help support a regional Latin American project to identify barriers to methane mitigation project development, and make recommendations to strengthen national waste policy and legal frameworks. This important regulatory analysis will complement CCAP’s work to create and accelerate a portfolio of mitigation projects in each country, support project implementation, create enabling conditions and encourage knowledge exchange and replication of best practices in the region. The consultant will have contact with developing country policymakers and other experts, and will participate in cutting-edge climate change policy work. The consultant will report to CCAP policy staff.
Responsibilities include:
• Interaction with outside technical consultants, experts, and international policymakers on various assignments.
• Interviews with key stakeholders;
• Work with authorities and key stakeholders in each country to analyze the main barriers preventing the implementation of methane mitigation projects;
• Work with authorities and key stakeholders to facilitate the drafting of policy analysis documents, including recommendations to overcome existing barriers and help create an enabling framework for methane reduction projects in the region;
• Research and compile best practice guidance and case studies highlighting the most successful policies for regional replication; and
• Assist with written and oral communications related to work.
The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience conducting technical, economic and policy analyses with a view to proposing targeted, country specific policy recommendations, and highlighting best-practice policy case studies with minimal oversight. In addition, s/he will have an in-depth understanding of current international climate policy issues related to the waste sector, as well as strong management, analytic and communication skills. Qualified candidates should possess many of the following attributes and experiences:
• At least 3 years of professional experience in conducting analyses of climate policies and projects including the waste management sector;
• Proven ability to engage with high-level officials from governments, financial institutions and the private sector;
• Fluency in Spanish, including the ability to speak and write to policy audiences;
• Master’s degree in public policy, international relations, economics, environmental science or related field;
• Excellent research and writing skills;
• Strong oral and written communication skills;
• Strong organizational skills;
• The flexibility and proven ability to be a team player in a collaborative environment;
• Strong people skills including a sense of humor, adaptability, humility and creativity;
• Experience working in Latin America a plus.
Applications, including a cover letter describing how your qualifications and interests match the responsibilities and projects described above, your resume (in Word or PDF format), and one writing sample should be sent to: bshaffer@ccap.org. In order to expedite the internal sorting and reviewing process, please also reference where you learned of the position. Please type “Waste Sector Policy Consultant” and your name (Last, First) as the only contents in the subject line of your e-mail.
The Center for Clean Air Policy is an equal opportunity employer.