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COP 22 Side Event: Filling the Pipeline

CCAP participated in the 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Marrakech, Morocco from November 7 – 18. COP22 built on the landmark Paris Agreement that was signed at COP21 last year in Paris. In the lead-up to COP21, CCAP conducted research and analysis on key topics related to the UNFCCC process, including: how the process could facilitate countries’ efforts to convert their Nationally Determined Contributions into policies, measures, and finance-ready investment strategies; and how Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes could be employed and governed to ensure they support the Paris Agreement objectives and allow for greater global ambition. CCAP continues to work with countries to promote greater climate ambition, including hosting a side event on supporting the development of climate projects in developing countries.

CCAP Side Event: Filling the Pipeline: Support for development of climate projects in developing countries

Thursday, November 17, 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m., Observer Room 2

Scaling up climate investment is critical to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. A shortage of financeable projects is frequently cited as a major barrier to increasing investments in developing countries. This event addressed this challenge and presented a range of initiatives that provided targeted support for expanding the global project pipeline of projects able to attract finance. Experience covered both broad-based interventions such as NAMAs with a strong financing component, as well as public-private initiatives that focus on supporting development of commercially viable investment projects.

Practitioners provided project development support will explain their methodology, provided concrete examples and discussed lessons on how to overcome barriers throughout the investment life cycle, thereby accelerating the identification, development and financing of projects.

Related Blog Posts and News

  • The Paris Agreement Enters into Force!

  • Transfers in the Paris Agreement: Can they enable greater ambition?

  • Driving Climate Ambition through UNFCCC Rulemaking

Related Resources

  • Submission to the UNFCCC: on Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes

  • Discussion Paper: Supporting NDC Conversion through UNFCCC Rulemaking

  • Policy Brief: Next Steps for Converting INDC


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