CCAP hosted the seventh Latin America Regional Dialogue of the Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN) from February 10-12, 2016 in Mexico City, Mexico. The LAC Dialogue convened a targeted group of high-level developing country policy makers from LAC countries to participate along with representatives of developed countries and funding agencies. The Dialogue continued the momentum coming out of Paris by promoting the need to convert Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into tangible and ambitious Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and programs and by highlighting key considerations for the mobilization of financing, including from the GCF.

Foster knowledge exchange on key issues arising from the Paris Agreement, and best practices underway to accelerate NDC conversion into implementable policies, measures and finance-ready investment plans.
Showcase the implementation strategies for NDCs at different stages of the process looking at key issues related to conversion of NDCs, including costing, evaluation of benefits, and effective use of domestic and international funding sources.
Present opportunities for financing and technical support for NAMA and NDC implementation, allowing for collaborative discussion between potential funding sources and developing country participants.
CCAP Presentations
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the Role of NAMAs, and the Paris Outcome- Opening Remarks by Ned Helme
INDCs as Drivers of Renewable Energy Investment – Bill Tyndall
Next Steps for Converting INDCs – Laurence Blandford
Towards a Framework for Sharing Costs Between Funders and Participants – Laurence Blandford
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform – Steve Winkelman
Public Budget Allocation for Climate Change Mitigation – Steve Winkelman
Day 1 Presentations
Energy Transformation in Mexico – Efrain Villanueva, SENER, Mexico
Road to Implementing INDCs – Ubaldo Inclan, INECC, Mexico
The Paris Outcome and the Way Ahead – Jan Peter Schemmel, IKI, Germany
The Green Climate Fund as a Source of Financing to Implement INDCs – Eduardo Freitas, GCF
Role of MDBs in financing of countries NDCs – Amal-Lee Amin, IDB
Peru’s INDC and the Way Forward – Maria Paz Cigarán, Libelula, Peru
Costa Rica’s INDC: Challenges and Opportunities – Pascal Girot, Costa Rica
Converting INDCs into Policies, Measures and Investment Strategies – Cesar Contreras Guzman, SENER, Mexico
Assisting Countries with Access to International Climate Finance – Amal-Lee Amin and Gloria Visconti, IDB
Day 2 Presentations
Climate Finance and the Private Sector – Ubaldo Elizondo, CAF
Institutionality and Self Supply Namas – Fernando Farias, Sofia Aroca, Chile
Mobilizing Private Sector Investment – Alejandro Miranda, CAF
Energy Transformation in Uruguay – Alicia Torres, Cecilia San Roman, MIEM, Uruguay
Canada’s Continued Engagement to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants – Franck Portalupi, Canada
IKI and the NAMA Facility – Jan Peter Schemmel, Germany
Related Resources
Agenda: Seventh MAIN LAC Dialogue
Paper: Converting Intended Nationally Determined Contributions into Action – by Laurence Blandford and Hannah Pitt
Blog: Fulfilling the Promise of the Paris Agreement – by Bill Tyndall