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CCAP at COP25 – Week 1

During the first week of COP25, CCAP hosted three events on carbon markets:

Policy Dinner: Using Article 6 to Engage the private Sector and Spur Low-carbon Investments

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Time: 7:00- 9:00 pm (20:00-22:00)

Description: The private sector has a critical role to play to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, and Article 6 is seen by many as an important route for private sector engagement. The policy dinner brought together representatives from government and the private sector to consider potential models for using Article 6 to transform private sector investments,. The event featured lessons learned from Article 6 case studies—the Chile “Firm and Flexible” Renewable Energy Virtual Pilot and the Thailand SHIFT project to accelerate the adoption of EVs–and used facilitated discussion to consider effective strategies for using Article 6 to encourage low-carbon investments.

Virtual Pilot Case Study: How Article 6 Can Support Energy Sector Transformation

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019

Time: 3:30-4:30 pm (15:30-16:30)

Location: Nordic Pavilion

Description: Sweden and Chile have worked together to advance an example of a high integrity Article 6 cooperation. Among the first virtual pilot concepts to be showcased globally, the two countries discussed how Article 6 can jump-start investments in “firm and flexible” renewable energy and support Chile’s decarbonization process.

Speakers: Stacey Davis (CCAP) Ida Hamilton (Swedish Energy Agency) Juan Pedro Searle (Chile Ministry of Energy)

Impacts from flexible mechanisms in LATAM economies & Article 6 virtual pilots for future mechanisms

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019

Time: 4:45-6:15 pm (16:45-18:15)

Location: UNFCCC Side Event Room 6

Description: This side event presented a study analyzing and drawing conclusions from CDM projects in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. It also featured recent experiences developing Article 6 virtual pilots in LATAM and globally. The side event considered various perspectives on lessons and implications for cooperative approaches.


Sven Kolmetz (PD-Forum, co-Moderator) Stacey Davis (CCAP, co-Moderator) Christian Patrickson (Stratcarbon) Sandeep Roy Choudhury (VNV Advisory) Philipp Hauser (Agora Energiewende) Juan Pedro Searle (Chile Ministry of Energy) Ida Hamilton (Swedish Energy Agency)

CCAP also participated in the following event:

Leading the Article 6 Implementation: examples from the Joint Crediting Mechanism and other mechanisms

Description: This session covered concrete examples and lessons learned from schemes and activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The presentations analyzed the latest developments in the Japan’s Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and other international carbon offset schemes. The JCM was featured as an example of Article 6 operationalization. The session also looked at other initiatives aimed at operationalizing Article 6, including KliK Foundation’s program and a virtual pilot advanced by CCAP in cooperation with Sweden and Chile. The roundtable discussed challenges and opportunities for private sector engagement.

Moderator: Stefano de Clara, Director, International Policy, IETA

Presenters: Tatsushi Hemmi, Chief Analyst Environment and Energy, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Maiko Uga, Section Chief, Office of Market Mechanisms, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)

Speakers: Ms. Mireia Vilaplana, South Pole Mr. Julio Rivera Alejo, CCAP Mr. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Ms. Maiko Uga, MOEJ


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