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220 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"
- The Green Climate Fund and the Paris Agreement
this discussion, CCAP has partnered with the World Resources Institute and Sierra Club, with inputs from
- Global Methane Forum and CCAC Working Group
CCAC) partner, and an organization with a strong track record on projects to reduce methane emissions from The event brought together high level policy makers from around the world to discuss options for methane CCAP participated in a number of the sessions at the forum on issues related to how converting INDCs CCAP Presentations Global Methane Forum Plenary Session – Finance Roundtable Converting INDCs into Investment event offered participants training to use the tools developed by the MSWI and the opportunity to learn from
- Climate Policy Initiative Dialogue Meeting 2016
Some of the key takeaways from the meeting are as follows: Clean Power Plan (CPP) compliance costs may Without the nuclear generation, current customers served by the nuclear power would need to buy power from system that values the specific benefits of DER can support a level playing field across distributed and conventional
- International Climate Change and its Outlook for the Steel Industry
Each year, nearly 1,000 industry leaders from the Latin American steel industry, representing 25 countries Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), there is a growing recognition that an effective outcome from INDCs from 36 countries already indicate plans to reduce emissions from metals and/or iron and steel. We can expect policies to lower emissions from iron and steel and schemes to encourage investment in only some countries act to reduce emissions in the sector, there is a risk of leakage of investment from
- The Need for INDC Conversion
The paper takes a deep look at INDCs from key developing countries to assess their progress and explores ways to build on Paris’s momentum to advance the conversion process after COP21—converting intention With INDCs now on the table, there are strong signals from a variety of sources, including from the GCF With INDCs now on the table, a clear signal from Paris could spur a variety of sources, including the GCF, to provide the support to turn the INDC goals into concrete action.
- With the Paris Agreement in Place, What’s Next for the Green Climate Fund?
In the coming years, an important part of this work will be to help countries convert their contributions , CCAP shared our recent policy brief, which describes the steps countries will likely undertake to convert was positive: as the GCF scales up operations, there was broad agreement that supporting countries to convert potential funding opportunities for the Fund, a broader investment strategy can help attract financing from Doing so in the context of national strategies that identify opportunities to catalyze climate-friendly
- Center for Clean Air Policy applauds President Obama’s announcement of the final Clean Power Plan
As finalized, the Clean Power Plan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector by 870 contribution to the U.S. goal of reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 percent in 2025 from First, all states can potentially benefit from a two year extension to submit a final plan, not just applicable to covered sources in a given state could lead to an increase in power generation and emissions from outside the covered source boundary—whether from new sources not covered by the Clean Power Plan, or
- Moving Forward on Reverse Auctions: 7 Things to Know
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the number of countries using renewables auctions increased from auction not only evaluates projects on the basis of price, but also on the basis of job creation, local content
- Expanding the Solution Set: How CHP Can Support 111(d) Compliance
And because CHP displaces electricity generation from the power grid and reduces electric sector emissions Stacey Davis presents the results from CCAP’s report, “Expanding the Solution Set: How Combined Heat States expected to see growth in CHP will benefit from lower cost compliance with the 111(d) standard continued until the electricity, natural gas (and carbon price) outputs were essentially unchanged from Designing a compliance strategy that recognizes the electric sector emissions reductions from CHP will
- Earth Day Insight: On the ground tilling new economic growth to reduce emissions
announced $90 million in funding for developing countries’ Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, or NAMAs In Colombia, South America, for example, one NAMA would develop areas around mass transit facilities We’re seeing real enthusiasm in Chile, Peru, Vietnam, and the Philippines, as well Colombia, and it’s
- Germany-UK NAMA Facility Opens Second Call for Proposals
The International NAMA Facility announced its second call for NAMA Support Project Outlines, inviting promising proposals, including Colombia’s Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) NAMA, one of the five projects The Colombian TOD NAMA aims to promote smart development around public transit in order to reduce the TOD NAMA before implementation can begin.Read more about the Colombian TOD NAMA. of ambitious country-led NAMAs, thus delivering concrete greenhouse gas reductions on the ground as well
- EPA Launches New Tool to Calculate Emissions Reductions from Clean Energy
SO2/kWh, as has long been available from EPA’s eGRID data) or 2) using complex – and expensive – power AVERT quantifies the emissions reductions from efficiency and renewable energy projects, creating certainty reductions to meet NAAQS, this tool could also play an important role in estimating emissions reductions from To support states in allowing compliance via off-site clean energy projects that reduce emissions from EPA should sanction the use of the AVERT tool for estimating power sector carbon emissions reductions from