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220 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Chilean Government Takes Step Forward in Climate Mitigation with Unilateral Renewable Energy NAMA

    Stabilization Fund (PSF) can serve as an example of how developing countries are pursuing ambitious unilateral NAMAs in additional to supported NAMAs. With financial support from the Chilean government, the PSF is not only ambitious but transformational The PSF will serve as a great example of an ambitious, transformative unilateral NAMA for other developing results and believe that the analysis, discussions and studies produced in support of the PSF within our NAMA

  • How China Plans to Cut Carbon Pollution through Market-Based Measures

    Urbanization in Hubei – solar panels atop roofs Provincial Leadership The experience gained from the Overall, China is serious about mandating measures to achieve mitigation goals, and from this other countries Next week, CCAP will be in China to co-host its first technical workshop from July 23-24 in Wuhan, Hubei workshop will bring together all the companies regulated under the Hubei ETS, and EU enterprise experts from

  • The President’s Climate Action Plan: Right on the Money

    implementation of these measures, the President’s package will spur the reduction of carbon pollution from Emissions from Power Plants The cornerstone of the domestic climate package is a memorandum directing new natural gas technologies have contributed to a 15 percent reduction in power sector CO2 emissions from levels), and more emissions reductions are possible as we continue to shift electric generation away from investments within a sector and are facilitated with international financial support “transformational NAMAs

  • A Plan for the New Normal: The President’s Climate Action Plan Calls for Preparing the U.S

    Local governments and businesses are concerned about impacts of events such as Superstorm Sandy, responsible Climate Change Adaptation Plans, outlining strategies to protect their operations, missions, and programs from Highlights from Obama’s Climate Action Plan The president’s adaptation plan strikes a visionary tone Investing in learning and rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy. Key agencies (e.g. , buildings and critical infrastructure (transportation, electricity, water and telecommunications) from

  • An Analysis of Potential and Existing Sources of NAMA Finance

    NAMA finance is a critical component of the NAMA mechanism and is essential to getting NAMAs off the projects: capacity building in the developing country, NAMA design, NAMA implementation, and investment to NAMAs or NAMA-like actions. The different types of support are given in different forms (e.g., grants, loans, loan guarantees, equity To realize the desired sector-wide climate mitigation action, financial support is needed in each of

  • International Climate Mitigation in 2013: Fallow Ground or Transformational Change?

    Central to the NAMA concept is that climate mitigation and sustainable development goals can go hand For example, Colombia is exploring how NAMAs can be used to promote transit-oriented development, improve By changing long-term land use patterns, the TOD NAMA ensures reductions in greenhouse gases for decades What we need now is a way to accelerate the matching of promising NAMA concepts with enabling investment shared interests and overcoming barriers to agreements that will make NAMA implementation a reality

  • The Role of NAMAs Explained in One Picture

    The NAMA mechanism calls for greenhouse gas mitigation actions by developing countries in the context Learning from the successes and limitations of the CDM – as well as from past unilateral, bilateral and In fact, the best use of international support is likely to differ from sector to sector, and from country goals from the larger and more restricted funding sources, including from bilateral and multi-lateral For more information on how to design and finance NAMAs to realize this vision, see the full paper, An

  • Colombia Solid Waste NAMA Speeding Toward Implementation

    CCAP’s recent trip to Colombia where the project garnered high-level support from the Ministry of Environment The Colombian government, with input from CCAP, is in the process of preparing a comprehensive NAMA proposal The NAMA equity fund is expected to receive matching contributions from the Colombian government and This differs from previous investments in similar projects in Colombia that were left to the mercy of Apart from such regulatory changes, Colombia would also support implementing the NAMA through city-level

  • Colombia Transit-Oriented Development NAMA Gains High-Level Support

    The Colombian TOD NAMA would transform Colombian cities by focusing urban development around transit The TOD NAMA will capitalize on Colombia’s new public-private partnership legislation by providing additional Cooperation and a senior official from Cali. Next week,the Government of Colombia will present their TOD NAMA proposal at the CCAP Global NAMA Financing NAMAs such the TOD NAMA and Colombia’s integrated solid waste NAMA offer an exciting new model for climate

  • Evaluation of NAMA Opportunities in Colombia’s Solid Waste Sector

    CCAP’s recently released executive summary for the report, Evaluation of NAMA Opportunities in Colombia solid waste from landfills and “treating it” (through recycling, composting and creating refuse-derived fuel) could lead to a 16 percent reduction of total (direct and indirect) GHG emissions from the country The report concluded that a Waste NAMA in Colombia should be developed based on an integrated solid waste ’s waste sector, which Colombia plans to submit as a NAMA to be partially financed with international

  • The Road to NAMAs Blog Series: Thailand’s Funds for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Finance

    The fund, which is sustained primarily by a small levy from the sale of specified fossil fuels, is disbursed The Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund was utilized from 2003 through 2012 and provided a line of low-interest These energy efficiency and renewable energy projects from the second phase (between September 2010 and highlights successful climate change mitigation actions around the world, as described in The Road to NAMAs success stories, developing countries will see policies or programs that could aid in the development of NAMAs

  • The Road to NAMAs Blog Series: China’s Green Loans to Industrial Clients

    These loans cover efficiency projects such as power generation from gas and heat recovery, biogas production from waste, and the optimization of various industrial processes. the Global Environment Facility to cover initial losses from defaults. highlights successful climate change mitigation actions around the world, as described in The Road to NAMAs success stories, developing countries will see policies or programs that could aid in the development of NAMAs

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